Well its rant time yet again... Hmm been a while what with all the computer problems and other general crap I have barely been able to keep up the updates ¬.¬  So lately I can't seem to go to bed before 5:00 AM :/ it sucks really bad because I'm tired all day but if I take a nap then the process repeats.  This doesn't help me with my search for a job to say the least.  Couple that with the fact that my computer has been channeling evil for another dimension so that now all I can do on it is surf the web and make the comic and you get one cranky irritated Lando >.< So what do I do with all this nightly leisure time?  Well I do seem to be funnier this late at night so that seems to be when i write my best scripts. I'm down to the wire in that department with only two weeks written ahead.  And I play GTA Vice City or Kingdom Hearts recently only Vice City.  I already got to the last mission using cheats so I started over without them I like playing games like that when they are available cheats give you less crap to worry about while learning to play the game.  Not to mention in Vice City they are fun as hell like the code that lets you drive a car on water it really looks cool on the Delorean look alike.  Gagh my head hurts I probably have an aneurysm or something that or the video games are warping my mind.  I am thinking about how to create save points and reset buttons.  Just think about it save before you do anything big and if you screw up reset :D that would be great.  Well I'm gonna go to bed or stare at the ceiling or something.  heh I'll probably look at this tomorrow and think what the hell was I on last night.
